







Chateau (flumioxazin) is a contact and residual herbicide that controls both grasses and broadleaf weeds in nonbearing orchards. Hence, it is only useful in young orchards or those that have lost a crop. It can be used in the year of planting if the trees are shielded from contact with the spray. It is labeled for apples and all stone fruits. As a contact material it is most effective when applied while the emerged weeds are very small. Application rate is 6 to 12 ounces per treated acre. The REI is 12 hours and the PHI is 365 days.

flumiclorac flumioxazin
Resource Valor = Broadstar = Chateau = Encompass = Payload = Suregard.

Table 4-2. Herbicides labeled for use in orchards.
Common name Trade name(s) Crops Amount/A
For orchards the year of planting (do not apply until after the ground has settled and there are no visible cracks in the soil):

Aim EC, EW . . . .AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 0.5–1.6 fl oz

Prism . . . .AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL 13–17 fl oz
Select Max . . . . AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL 9–32 fl oz
Arrow 2EC . . . . AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL 6–8 fl oz

Casoron 4G AP, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 100–150 lb
Norosac 4G

diquate dibromide
Reglone AP, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 1.5–2.0 pt

fluazifop-butyl Fusilade DX 16–24 fl oz

Devrinol 10G . . . .AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 40 lb
Devrinol 50DF . . . .AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 8 lb

Solicam DF AP, NEa, PEa 2.5–5.0 lb

Surflan AS AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 2–6 qt
Surflan DF AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 2.4–7.1 lb

Goal 2XL, Galigan 2E AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR, QU 2–8 pt
GoalTender AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR, QU 1–4 pt

paraquat Gramoxone Inteon AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 2.5–4.0 pt
Gramoxone Max AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 1.7–2.7 pt
Gramoxone Super Tres AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 1.3–2.7 pt

Prowl 3.3EC, Pendimethalin, Pendimax 3.3 AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 2.4–4.8 qt
Prowl H2O AP, AT, CH, NE, PE, PL, PR 2–4 qt

Poast AP, PR, QU 2.5–7.5 pt
AT, CH, NE, PE, PL 2.5–5.0 pt

terbacil . . . Sinbar AP, AT, CH, PE, PL, PR 0.5–1.0 lb

trifluralin Trifluralin 4EC, Treflan 4EC . . . .AT, NE, PE, PL

AP = apples; AT = apricots; CH = cherries; NE = nectarines; PE = peaches; PR = pears; PL = plums; QU = quince

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