

A new herbicide, flumioxazin, was recently registered by Valent U.S.A. Corporation for use in bearing and nonbearing grapes, along with nonbearing apple, cherry, nectarine, peach, and pear trees. The trade name is Chateau and the herbicide is formulated as a 51% water dispersible granule that is mixed with water and sprayed. Application rates range from 6 to 12 ounces of product per treated acre, which equates to 0.19 to 0.38 pounds active ingredient per acre. Maximum use rate per year is 24 ounces of product. The label recommendations use of 6 ounces of Chateau per acre when applications are made to very sandy/gravelly soils and tree or grape vines are established less than 3 years. The herbicide can also be used to maintain bare ground in noncrop areas of vineyards and orchards.

Flumioxazin has the same mode of action as oxyfluorfen (Goal) and shares a lot of the same use patterns as oxyfluorfen, but is used at lower rates of active ingredient. Both herbicides control weeds preemergence with early postemergence activity. Neither herbicide can be applied overtop actively-growing trees or vines so directed sprays or dormant applications are utilized.

The strength of flumioxazin is preemergence control of annual broadleaf weeds. Flumioxazin is less effective on annual grasses.


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